Payment methods

Discover the various payment methods available on the DiXe shop.

Pay your purchases safely.


  1. Payment by bank transfer

You can pay your purchases by bank transfer, the procedure is simple and secure. To finalize your order, simply:

  1. Make the transfer corresponding to the total amount of your order to the bank account of the EURL Refpack: IBAN FR76 3002 7170 0500 0205 2260 119 ;
  2. So that we can identify your order, please specify the number of your order in the field provided for this purpose (usually "Operation name" or "type of transaction" in the bank form) ;

Your order will be shipped upon receipt of payment. 


  1. Payment via Paypal

Paypal allows you to pay your purchases online, safely, without the need to enter your bank details and therefore communicate them to the merchant.

After selecting this payment method, you will be automatically redirected to the Paypal website. You will then be able to login to your account or create one if you do not have one.

From your Paypal account, you can pay with your credit card, bank account or using your available Paypal balance.

Once the payment Paypal validated, you will finish your order on our shop.

To learn more about Paypal, visit

For any questions, you can contact us at


  1. Payment by bank check

If you have chosen payment by check, your order will be put on hold and shipped upon receipt of your payment.

To finalize your order by check, simply follow these steps :

  1. Send your check to "EURL Refpack" ;
  2. Write your order number on the back of the check ;
  3. Send all by postal mail to the following address : EURL Refpack, 98 rue de Lille - 59350 Saint André Lez Lille.